The most advanced agricultural solutions
A differential value that makes us leaders in the market is the strong investment in I+D+i that makes CODIAGRO a reference in the sector. In this way, the company has several Research and Quality Control laboratories, equipped with the best technologies, for the development and creation of new products.
Research is one of our priorities, so Codiagro has established a close collaboration with national and international Universities and private Research Centres specialised in biotechnology such as AINIA.
These collaborations have allowed us to obtain different patents such as the use of dicarboxylic acids, their salts and esters in agricultural products or the manufacturing method of a floatable calcium (Alcaplant, Agrowhite, BR-59).

Amec modified molecules, our exclusive product thanks to innovation
Our innovative spirit has materialised in the creation of our modified Amec® molecules. Under patent for the use of dicarboxylates in agriculture. As well as in a constant work of Research for the creation of new products that include this molecule.
An exclusive product, the AMEC molecule facilitates the transport and translocation of nutrients inside the plant. The AMEC molecule contributes to the better functioning of the plant.
It is totally biodegradable, safe and environmentally friendly. In short, the AMEC molecule contributes significantly to the better functioning of the plant. Unlike synthetic growth regulators and phytohormones, AMEC acids, exclusive products by Codiagro, promote temporary physiological alterations that cause a greater plant biomass, expressed in yield or production, and a wide response to environmental conditioners.
These acids give Codiagro products special properties that enable them to: reduce some limiting factors of agricultural production, such as different types of stress; increase the nutritional efficiency of macro and micro nutrients, help induce a more efficient metabolic mechanism in plants; and finally, induce natural defense mechanisms and decrease the damage caused by external biotic agents -fungi, bacteria, phytophagous mites, etc.
In short, AMEC acids contribute significantly to the general health of the plant.
Codiagro actively collaborates with the ITC (Instituto Tecnologico de la Ceramica) in order to have the best equipment and analysis methods so that our Floables(SC) formulations are leaders in the market with products such as Alcaplant New, Agrowhite or Fitokontrol Ca Flow.