The need for sustainable production methods and more efficient use of resources, i.e. a green industry, is becoming increasingly evident.
Integrating sustainability into the business strategy of companies is not an option, but rather an obligation. In Codiagro sustainability and job security is nowadays one of the two biggest challenges, together with the digital transformation.
Codiagro is committed to energy efficiency, renewable energies, recycling, resource optimization, emission reduction or water treatment, among other issues.
The firm’s work in managing and controlling waste production has been assessed with the annual implementation of a waste minimisation plan.
New installations are also controlled to avoid Legionellosis disease. control of atmospheric emissions and compliance with the limit values and communication to the EPER Registry, as well as the performance of an emissions audit by an authorized company; the performance of an acoustic audit and compliance with the maximum permitted noise levels; the control of spills, since Codiagro does not perform industrial waste water spills, only sanitary water.
Furthermore, a permanent control of possible presence of radioactive isotopes in raw materials coming from outside the EU is routinely performed.
In order to achieve all these objectives Codiagro has carried out a series of actions. First of all, in order to achieve a zero discharge of industrial waste water, we have a water treatment plant to reuse it in the production process. Likewise, wet filters and sleeve filters have been installed to avoid particle emissions into the atmosphere. Finally, a waste minimisation plan has been drawn up for each and every waste generated in the factory.

Living in a safe environment is everyone’s responsibility, but it must start with oneself. It is important to make organic, ecological or zero residue products available to the farmer, but it is also important that these are produced using techniques that do not degrade the environment or people’s health. We are obliged to close the circle.
► Nieves Ruiz CEO of the company.

Codiagro’s commitment is an important part of the CSR in Codiagro. It is based on directing the company based on the management of the impacts that its activity generates on its clients, employees, partners, local communities, environment and on the society in general.
There is a firm commitment to employees, to family reconciliation, to their ongoing training, to safety and a good working environment and to gender equality in terms of pay, which results in a competitive advantage over other companies. Travel and team building days are held regularly and promote a good atmosphere.
Since January 2017 Codiagro has been working continuously from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., from Monday to Friday, which facilitates the family reconciliation of all the company’s employees in an equal way.
Codiagro is very committed to the society around us, making regular contributions to NGOs and to the Vall d’Alba city council, where the factory is located, for different social purposes.
There are also regular campaigns at the provincial level to collect food and clothing that are taken to Cáritas.